South America Feed Enzymes Market Trends

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 South America Feed Enzymes market trends, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. South America Feed Enzymes trend report includes a market forecast to 2029 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry trends analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Trends of south america feed enzymes Industry

Broilers and layers dominate the poultry production as the poultry farming gained popularity due to high Return on Investment (ROI) and increased demand for poultry products

  • Poultry farming is a vital industry in South America, with its poultry sector experiencing an impressive growth rate of 10.1% in 2022, compared to 2017. This growth can be attributed to the increased consumption of poultry meat and its products, both domestically and internationally. In 2022, the consumption of poultry meat in Brazil alone was around 10.3 million metric tons, a significant increase from 9.6 million metric tons in 2018. This trend is set to continue as the poultry sector continues to grow and industrialize across many parts of South America.
  • The production of broilers and layers is a major contributor to the region's poultry segment, accounting for around 97.3% of the total poultry production in 2022. Brazil is the largest producer of poultry products in South America, which produced around 14.6 million metric tons of chicken meat in 2021. The region is also a major poultry exporter globally, with Brazil exporting over 70% of the region's poultry meat exports. In 2021, Brazil exported about one-third of its chicken production to over 150 countries, with China being the largest destination export hub for the region.
  • Poultry farming is gaining importance in the region, particularly in Brazil, due to its high yield and quick return on investment. As a result, the poultry farming industry in South America, particularly in Brazil, is experiencing steady growth due to increasing demand for poultry meat and its products, both domestically and internationally. With an increasing focus on industrialization and the benefits it offers, the poultry farming sector in the region is poised for continued growth in the coming years.​
South America Feed Enzymes Market

Freshwater cultivation account for 90% of aqua production and expansion of aquaculture industry is contributing to increasing aqua feed production

  • The aquaculture feed production in South America has been rapidly increasing since 2017, with a 57.5% rise in 2022, producing about 5 million metric tons of compound feed for aquatic species. Brazil and Chile have been the major contributors to the growth in feed production for aquaculture, with both countries accounting for 1.4 and 1.2 million metric tons, respectively, in 2022. This growth is primarily attributed to the rise in freshwater cultivation of aquaculture species in these countries, with freshwater cultivation accounting for 90% of the aquaculture production in Brazil on average after 2020.
  • Fish feed production in South America has been on the rise and accounted for 80.4% of the total aquaculture feed production in 2022. This increase in fish feed production can be attributed to the rising fish farming in countries, like Brazil and Chile, with a 56% increase in production compared to 2017. This trend is expected to continue in the next few years as the potential for the expansion of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in the region is enormous.​
  • Tilapia farming is one of the major contributors to the expansion of the aquaculture industry in the region, and this has led to increased demand for compound feed.​ Shrimp feed production has also witnessed a significant increase of 51.4% in 2022 compared to 2019, driven by the rising demand for high-profit-margin white-leg shrimp species. This trend is expected to continue in the next few years, driven by increasing shrimp production and export demand.
  • In conclusion, the aquaculture feed production in South America is projected to continue to increase in the next few years, driven by the expansion of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, rising demand for high-quality protein, and increasing export demand.
South America Feed Enzymes Market


  • Brazil had largest ruminants population with a share of more than 50% whereas Argentina is one of the leading producer of dairy products
  • Broilers and layers dominate the regional poultry feed production and increasing demand for poultry meat as well as increased awareness about feed is increasing poultry feed production
  • Expansion of hog industry in Brazil and Argentina, rising pig population and increasing demand for pork meat is increasing the demand for swine feed
  • Higher exports of pork from Brazil and growth in consumer demand for meat products are increasing the demand for swine production
  • Brazil emerged as largest ruminant feed producer with rising animal population and high beef consumption is increasing the ruminants feed production

South America Feed Enzymes Market SIZE & SHARE ANALYSIS - GROWTH TRENDS & FORECASTS UP TO 2029