Market Trends of Fresh Apricots Industry
Spain Dominates the Market in Terms of Exports
Spain is the largest exporter of fresh apricots, globally, as of 2018. However, Spain’s fresh apricot exports have reached a plateau, evident from the fact that exports went down from USD 127.74 million in 2016 to USD 122.59 million in 2017. Top importers from Spain are Germany, France, UK, and Italy. Growers are supported by favorable government policies, such as higher agricultural investments and input and export support.

Asia-Pacific Leads Global Fresh Apricots Consumption
Asia-Pacific holds a 43% share of the fresh apricots market. Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan are leading in production and consumption of fresh apricots within Asia-Pacific. Apricot is native to regions with cold winters, hence the weather in these countries best supports the production of fresh apricots.