Market Trends of Europe Fat Replacers Industry
Carbohydrate-based Fat Replacers Hold the Largest Market Share
By type, carbohydrate-based fat replacers account for the highest share in the Europe fat replacers market. These are usually made from starchy foods, such as corn, cereals, and grains. Carbohydrate-based fat replacers help retain texture, moisture, viscosity, and provide mouth-feel and continue to lead the market because of its status as US FDA recognized GRAS substances. Cellulose (Avicel® cellulose gel, MethocelTM, Solka-Floc®) can replace some or all of the fat in dairy products, sauces, frozen desserts, and salad dressings. Most fat replacers used in processing the low-fat foods in the European industry made from a carbohydrate. A few of its examples include cellulose, gelatin, dextrins, gums, and modified dietary fibers.

United Kingdom Potential to Witness Significant Growth in Europe
Over recent years, English consumers have shown a higher propensity in order to adopt a healthier life and inclined preference towards low-fat/fat-free food products during their routine consumption. A similar trend is likely to continue even ahead, making the United Kingdom one of the fastest growing and a potential market for fat replacers in Europe during the forecast period. Moreover, whilst UK-baed food producers have agreed to cut trans fats out of their ingredients, it is thought that a number of foods still contain them, listed as 'mono and diglycerides of fatty acids', which can be found in many products including doughnuts, pastries, ice cream, and bread.
Furthermore, consumption of trans fats has been a key problematic issue in terms of health among elderly people in the country, leading to diseases such as the development of heart disease, stroke, liver dysfunction, type-2 diabetes, alzheimers, etc. Thus, the country depicts a potential demand for fat replacers in its food products in the coming years.