Market Trends of Asia-Pacific Algae Protein Industry
Dietary Supplement Remained the largest Revenue Generating Segment
The dietary supplements market in the region is predominantly driven by a paradigm shift toward preventive health management practices, amid rising healthcare costs and the increasing burden of lifestyle diseases. Increasing consumer awareness, regarding proper weight management and muscular strength improvement, is likely to fuel the demand for dietary supplement products, which, in turn, will increase the demand for chlorella ingredients.
China Drives the Regional Market
Algae protein market in China is likely to showcase favorable growth prospects in the future, on the account of increasing awareness about health and wellness among the urban population and disposable income of the country. Pharmaceutical drugs with algae ingredients like omega 3 and protein in it is in high demand in this region, resulting in manufacturers to incorporate higher concentrations of algal protein in their final products. Moreover, owing to the highest production and export accounted by China in the region, the country held excessive power to regulate product prices.